Tamil Nadu government always put efforts for the welfare of the women, children, and farmers of the state.Tamil Nadu’s Chief Minister Shri MK Stalin made announcement about the Magalir Urimai Thogai Scheme. This State Government’s Universal Basic Income Program will be benefitting about one million women in the state. Under the Scheme, the state government decided to give Rs. 1000 per month to the women.
Magalir Urimai Thogai Scheme
The registration commenced on the anniversary of the late Chief Minister C.N. Annadurai’s birth. The offline and online registration started from September 15, 2023.The state government given approval of Rs 7000 crore budget for the successful implementation of the scheme. This initiative of the Tamil Nadu government will help the women to become strong and independent.
Magalir Urimai Thogai Scheme Overview
Name of Article | Magalir Urimai Thogai Scheme |
Initiated By | CM MK Stalin |
Aim | To provide the facility of checking beneficiary lists online |
Beneficiary | Women of the state |
State | Tamil Nadu |
Benefits | 1000 per month |
Registration date | 15 September |
Website | https://www.tn.gov.in/ |
Magalir Urimai Thogai Scheme Objective
The main purpose of the Tamil Nadu government to start this scheme is to support women financially. After successful implementation of the scheme, the women don’t have to depend on others for the financial help.
Benefits of Magalir Urimai Scheme
- With the help of the Scheme the financial condition of the women will also improve.
- Women’s standards of living will also be enhance through this scheme.
- The Scheme will help the women of the state to become empowered.
- The financial assistance will be sent in the bank account of the women beneficiary.
- Maximum women of the state will be able to take benefit of the program.
- Through this scheme, the Tamil Nadu government wants to make the life of the people stable.
Eligibility Criteria
- It is necessary that the beneficiaries should be from Tamil Nadu state.
- The elderly, disabled, widows, and single women can take benefit of the scheme.
- Only women head of the family are allowed to take part in the scheme.
- Women who worked with the federal or state governments are not permitted to apply for the Scheme.
Required Documents
- Aadhaar Card
- Active Mobile Number
- Photo
- Domicile Certificate of Tamil Nadu
- Income Certificate
- Bank Account
- Ration Card
- Self-Declaration
- Family Details
- Death Certificate of Husband (in case of Widow).
Steps To Apply For Magalir Urimai Thogai Scheme
- At First, you have to visit the official website,https://www.tn.gov.in/
- You will land on the home page of the website.
- Then Click on the Apply Online link option on the home page.
- Now an application form will appear in front of you.
- After that fill the form by entering all the required details such as Name, working Email ID, Active Mobile Number, Address, etc
- After that you have to upload all the required documents
- At last, click on the Submit option on the screen.
- By following these steps, you will be able to complete the application process.
Government of Tamil Nadu started Magalir Urimai Scheme.
Women of the state can take benefit of the Magalir Urimai Thogai Scheme.